Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fact Or Belief

There is controversy about if and how evolution should be taught in public school. Evolution should most definitely be taught because it is scientific theory. Scientific theory remains true until it is disproven. It is therefore fact. Whether it is eventually proven true or not, scientific theory provides a base for any standpoint. In other words, one must be exposed to all research, failed and successful, in order to eventually allow the theory to be proven or disproven by someone. Along the way, textbooks definitely will be revised as different aspects of a theory are thrown out and/or added. The weakness in the theory of evolution is caused by a lack of evidence, which is understandable seeing how evidence about life decomposes and artifacts are destroyed over time. The opposing theory of intelligent design assumes that there is an existence of an omnipotent creator, which cannot be proven either true or false. This theory should not be taught as scientific theory. However, it is appropriate to discuss a belief in creationism during one’s exploration of evolution. With broad and open discussion of all current facts and beliefs, one can make an individual choice about what to believe. I do not believe in the existence of a g-d, and before I enrolled in anthropology I had a strong belief in the theory of evolution. However, since I have become more knowledgeable about the subject, my beliefs have changed to about fifty-fifty creationism vs. evolution.