Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Huricane Victims Can Not Help Themselves

I don't think our state officials are working together to take care of the problems caused by Hurricane Ike which some of our citizens find all too real. Some of our senators and other state officials are only thinking of the area of Texas in which they live. We have people in our state who are without homes and electricity, and some of these officials are proceeding with business as usual. For example, Representative RenĂ© Oliverira has continued holding fundraisers. According to Oliverira’s spokesman, J.J. Garza, “Our area of the state is a good deal away from what's going on." The problem here is that we need all of our officials to be working on what to do after the disaster, not just during. Officials who are out running their campaigns could be out raising money to make a difference in the lives of the needy. Not all state officials are as inconsiderate as Oliverira. According to Mark Miner, Rick Perry's communications director, "it's not appropriate, as people are displaced, to be raising political dollars." I think these articles are worth reading because I don’t believe that many of our officials are doing a good enough job of staying on top of current issues. To have an impact on the enormous issues hurricane victims currently face, all of our officials need to be working together. I would like a better and faster outcome for those displaced by Ike than what occurred for Katrina victims, who have never fully recovered from the catastrophe in 2005. Thousands of Texans are in need of serious help, and our officials need to be out there aiding these people even though their area of the state is not badly affected.

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